September Activity
Due to Covid-19 restrictions we will not have our regular meeting in September.
However, we are planning a Yakima River Clean Up in the Yakima Canyon on Saturday, September 26th.
From Donna:
Thank goodness the smoke has lifted and we will be able to join the Bureau of Land Management this Saturday, September 26th for a National Public Lands Day Yakima River Cleanup! Here are the details:
- We'll all meet up at Big Pines at 9am to meet and greet, sign volunteer forms and hand out supplies.
- After this is done, volunteers will disperse to various locations (Umtanum, Lmuma Creek, Big Pines, Roza, mileposts 8 & 10) to pick up garbage along the riverbank. All volunteers will stay on the east side of the river (no access to west side of river due to Evans Canyon wildfire burned area).
- Volunteers will rendezvous at Big Pines by 12pm to return supplies.
- BLM will provide litter bags and gloves (if needed) and will also have extra litter grabbers for reaching into the brush.
- Volunteers should use caution along the riverbanks, and should refrain from picking up any sketchy garbage (i.e. needles, diapers, other). Please inform Diane or myself if any of these types of trash are found and Diane will make appropriate arrangements for pickup.
- I will be bringing Clorox wipes for any equipment that needs to be wiped down.
- Diana with BLM is bringing first aid kits, bottled water and hand sanitizer.
- All volunteers will practice social distancing, wear masks as appropriate and follow COVID restrictions and CDC recommendations for sanitization.
- Trash bags can be placed into the BLM dumpsters at Umtanum, Lmuma Creek, Big Pines and Roza.
- If volunteers are at locations different than these, they can either transport trash to BLM dumpsters preferably, or leave them along the highway and Diane will make arrangements to collect them.
- Saturday is a BLM Fee Free Day to support National Public Lands Day, so no day use fees will be charged at BLM sites. All day use parking is free! Any questions please feel free to get ahold of me. See ya all soon!
- For any questions contact Donna Broers at or call her at 509-961-4304