Winston Rod Raffle Update
Due to the pandemic, our chapter’s normal fundraising opportunities have not been available for over a year. Our bank balance was less than $200 at the end of May.
The good news is that we have been donated a new Winston fly rod. It is an Alpha + model, 6wt, 4pc with a maple reel seat. It retails for over $900.
We are raffling this rod to raise funds in hopefully a short period of time. Only 100 tickets will be sold for the rod. Tickets are $10 apiece.
Raffle update: As of August 25th, we have sold 70 of 100 tickets for our Winston Rod raffle. Only 30 tickets left!
To purchase tickets, send a check made out to Yakima Fly Fishers’ Association to:
Yakima Fly Fishers’ Association
PO Box 245
Yakima, WA 98907
Note: we do not have electronic payment systems available. Be sure to include your contact information… name, phone number, email address and mailing address.
The drawing will be held when all the tickets have been sold.
If you have any questions, please contact Tim Gavin at 509-966-7628.